Forest Lake Authors Explore the Animal Kingdom

Literacy, science and technology came together for second graders at Forest Lake Elementary School, as youngsters created digital books about animals.
Students took their knowledge from a science unit on animals, as well as additional research using PebbleGo and National Geographic Kids, to compile information on their chosen creatures from land and sea. They had to include facts about each animal’s food, habitat and life cycle, along with other interesting facts.
The young authors put a lot of thought into their books, incorporating features such as a table of contents, pictures with captions and about the author page. Their projects were made in BookCreator and they could also add voice recordings with SeeSaw. Second grade teachers Lori Gottlieb, Barbara Moeller and Tara Sottnik, along with technology specialist Danielle Luke, supported students throughout the endeavor.
During a publishing party in early June, students from the three classes came together to view each other’s finished products. Since they were so proud of their accomplishment, students also brought home printed QR codes, which their parents could scan to access their digital books.