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Meet Our Board of Education

2024-2025 Board of Education Members

Front row seated left to right: President; Tara Cassidy; Vice President, Anthony Greco
Back row standing left to right: Trustees Jennifer Perfetti, Adam Fisher, and Laura Reich


Tara Cassidy headshotTara Cassidy has been a board of education trustee since 2020 and is currently serving in her second term on the board. Ms. Cassidy has resided in Wantagh since 2008, with her husband Kevin, and two children Randy and Abby. She is a certified public accountant and has also served as a member of the district’s audit committee.




Anthony Greco headshotAnthony Greco has been a board of education trustee since 2012 and is currently serving in his fifth term on the board. Mr. Greco has served as both president and vice-president of the board multiple times. He has resided in Wantagh since 1996 with his wife Elizabeth and his three sons are graduates of Wantagh High School. Mr. Greco is a retired NYPD officer and has been actively involved in the Wantagh community.

Jennifer Perfetti headshot

Jennifer Perfetti has been a board of education trustee since 2022 and is currently serving her first term on the board. Mrs. Perfetti has resided in Wantagh since 2014 with her husband Chris and two children Luke and Ella. She has been actively involved in the school community as a PTA leader and president. She works as an IT Consultant and Program Manager.

Adam Fisher HeadshotAdam Fisher has been a board of education trustee since 2017 and is currently in his third term on the board. Mr. Fisher has served as the board of education president and vice-president. He resides in the Forest Lake section of Wantagh with his wife, Haylee, and his three children. Mr. Fisher is an attorney and CPA. He is a partner with the firm Frankel Loughran Starr and Vallone LLP.

Laura Reich headshotLaura Reich has been a board of education trustee since 2019 and is currently serving her second term on the board. Mrs. Reich has served as both board of education president and vice-president and has been a member of the audit committee. She has resided in Wantagh since 2004 with her husband Chris and they have raised four children in Wantagh. Her oldest daughter and two sons have all graduated from Wantagh and her youngest child is currently a senior at Wantagh High School. Mrs. Reich is an attorney practicing real estate and works part-time as an accountant’s assistant.

Our Board of Education is committed to ensuring a safe, caring and supportive learning environment for all of our children. We take seriously our oath of office to protect our students, to provide them with an outstanding education and to be fiscally responsible as members of the community we serve. 

School board members in New York, even though sitting on a local board, serve as state officials, joining over 5,000 other men and women in guiding a statewide school system that services more than three million children. One of their most important duties is to set goals and establish policy for the district. Board members receive no pay for their service, but have the satisfaction of knowing that they are performing an indispensable public service.

The Wantagh Board of Education is made up of five residents of the community who serve staggered three-year terms as your representatives in all matters concerning the school district. Board elections are held annually in the spring. The Board has its own bylaws, which have been developed within the bounds of legal authority granted to local boards by the State of New York.

Community members are welcome at both the monthly business meetings and planning sessions. Business meetings begin at 8:00 p.m. and are usually held in the auditorium of Wantagh High School. Planning sessions are held in the Board of Education Conference Room. Meetings are posted and noted on the school calendar. Executive sessions are limited to Board of Education members and central office administrators for the purpose of discussing personnel matters. Community members are welcome at open meetings and time is reserved on the agenda for public participation.