Mr. John McNamara, Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Anthony Cedrone, CPA, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Mr. Stephen Moran, Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services
Mrs. Carol Ann Winans, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction K-12
Dr. Stephanie Scolieri, Executive Director of Human Resources and Administration
Director of Elementary Curriculum and Instruction K-5
Mrs. Alison Hazut
Director of Instructional and Informational Technology
Ms. Penny Curry
Director of Humanities
Ms. Julie Rosslee
Director of STEM
Mr. Christopher Kozak
Director of Physical Education, Health, Athletics & Drivers Education
Ms. Jennifer Keane
Director of Fine & Performing Arts & Business Education
Ms. Kelly Jones
Director of Guidance and Family & Consumer Science
Mr. Frank Muzio
Special Education Supervisor
Dr. Maura Lachance
Director of Facilities
Mr. Rob Lovergine
Through a commitment to educational excellence in a secure, supportive environment, the Wantagh Public Schools shall inspire students to develop a strong sense of individual worth and respect for others, to become lifelong learners and independent thinkers, and to fulfill themselves as concerned citizens in a diverse world.
The goal of the Wantagh Union Free School District is to help students to become well-rounded and well-educated individuals prepared for their lives beyond school.
The school staff, students, parents, Board of Education, and community share the responsibility for this mission and goal.