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Mandalay School is Dotted With Creativity

Posted Date: 12/22/2023

Mandalay School is Dotted With Creativity

There was a tree growing in the hallway of Mandalay Elementary School, but fortunately it was a project that captured the uniqueness of each student. The art installation was inspired by International Dot Day, a worldwide celebration based on the Peter Reynolds book, “The Dot.”

The floor-to-ceiling tree featured a trunk and branches made from brown paper, along with dozens of circular, patterned leaves. Those dots reflected the creativity and individuality of Mandalay’s students.

This year’s Dot Day project was a collaboration between art and STEAM classes. Kindergartners, first and second graders made their dots under the direction of art teacher Laura Capozzi. Each grade had a different task, from kindergartners who used the colors of the rainbow, to second graders who worked with tie-dye designs. 

Students in grades 3-5 made their dots in STEAM with teacher Alexa Del Piano. They, too, explored different mediums including coffee filter diffusion art and computer-generated designs. The tree was completed on Dot Day, Sept. 15, and drew “oohs” and “aahs” from students who were impressed by both the size and colorfulness of the tree.

Ms. Capozzi and Ms. Del Piano also led students in similar Dot Day projects at Forest Lake Elementary School.