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A to Z Themes Close Out Year at Mandalay

Posted Date: 12/22/2023

A to Z Themes Close Out Year at Mandalay

The end of the school year is near, as evidenced by the annual ABC countdown at Mandalay Elementary School in the Wantagh School District. Every day for the last 26 days of school before summer vacation features a theme for each letter of the alphabet.

It began on May 15 with animal day, and students were encouraged to wear shirts with animal prints or pictures. May 23 was gametime day with each class taking a break to play some games. That was followed by hero and heroine day, with students donning superhero attire. 

Students will work their way through every letter until the end of the school year. Flag Day coincides with T, so it will be a tribute to red, white and blue. On June 22, they will celebrate Y with their yearly desk clean out, and finish up with Zip up Zee Backpack and Zoom Out of School Day on June 23.