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Salvatore Mulé Harvard Club LI Awardee

Posted Date: 12/22/2023

Salvatore Mulé Harvard Club LI Awardee

The Harvard Club of Long Island has announced Salvatore Mulé, science teacher at Wantagh Middle/High School as one of 12 Long Island teachers receiving the “Distinguished Teacher Award for 2023” at the club's award ceremony on Saturday, March 18, 2023 at the Heritage Club in Bethpage State Park.

“This award honors teachers who transform lives,” explained Dr. Judith Esterquest, Chair of the Distinguished Teacher Selection Committee. “Devoted teachers honored by these awards offer Long Island students their deep expertise, extraordinary talents, and countless hours of attention.  By capturing the minds and imaginations of our children and preparing them for challenges that were unknown even a few decades ago, these teachers shape the future of our country.”   

Salvatore Mulé has been teaching science for 31 years where he has taught middle school general science, earth science, high school biology, Advanced Sustainable Agriculture, and Modern Food Production (hydroponics and aquaculture) which is described as a “living laboratory” in the Wantagh School District. This lab provides students with experience in many different hydroponic systems (growing plants without soil) and aquaculture systems where students raise fish and crayfish using different systems. Sal enjoys building boats, furniture, and makes wooden toys which are donated to children’s charities. He also enjoys fishing, boating, collecting model trains, and spending time with his wife and son.

Also receiving recognition as Distinguished Teachers are photography and graphic design teacher Natalie Douglas, and math teacher Jason Apfelbaum, who both teach middle and high school courses, were each nominated by a former student currently attending Harvard University.

The 2023 award winners were honored at the Harvard Club of Long Island’s annual University Relations Luncheon on Saturday, March 18. Harvard Professor Alexis Redding delivered the keynote address. Dr. Redding is an expert on college experience and student development. Her research focuses on the transition to college and examines how students navigate the undergraduate years.

Distinguished Teacher Award honorees are nominated by current Harvard undergraduates and then selected by Harvard Club of Long Island board members. This year's honorees teach economics, English, history, math, research, social studies, and various sciences in grades seven to twelve.