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Tenure for 10 in Wantagh

Posted Date: 12/22/2023

Tenure for 10 in Wantagh

The Wantagh School District Board of Education celebrated the hard work, dedication and promising futures of 10 administrators and teachers who were granted tenure on May 5.

During a tenure reception, Superintendent John McNamara and Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Dr. Marc Ferris talked about the accomplishments of the tenure recipients. They noted that this is a significant milestone in their careers and wished them much success is the years ahead.

Administrators receiving tenure were Assistant Superintendent for Business Anthony Cedrone, Director of Humanities Julie Rosslee and Wantagh High School Assistant Principal Nick Pappas. Recognized faculty members were education technology specialist Courtney Eisenzapf, social studies teacher Deanna Pepe, special education teacher Danielle Schiavetta, elementary guidance counselor Donna Shulman and elementary education teachers Samantha Barrett, Meghan Prokesch and Kathlene Tundo. 

“They’ve earned it,” Mr. McNamara said, praising how they all overcame the challenges from the pandemic during their first years on the job. “They met the extremely high standards that we have.”