Wantagh High School National Business Honor Society Welcomes New Inductees

Last week, Wantagh High School proudly welcomed 30 seniors and 33 juniors into the National Business Honor Society under the leadership of advisors Christine Compagnino and Bobbi Colavita. The ceremony was set to an elegant backdrop as the Wantagh High School Chamber Ensemble performed Pachelbel’s Canon while inductees made their way to their seats, later followed by Interlude: Nightfall.
Cole Spinelli, Wantagh High School’s President of the National Business Honor Society, began the relay of personal introductions as each officer introduced the next which included Owen Borod, Michael Colaianni, Jr., Mattea Conforti, Luke Perfetti, and Richards Qu. Guests gained insight into the personal journeys that sparked students' passion for business.
Senior Owen Borod discovered his love for business in eighth grade when he took his first class—a course that quickly became the highlight of his day. His favorite? Learning how to invest. To him, it never felt like work; it was exciting, and he was hooked.
For Richards Qu, a summer financial management class provided invaluable lessons in budgeting and business management. The experience not only sharpened his financial skills but also helped him differentiate between needs and wants—an understanding that has since saved him money.
With inspiring stories like these, the National Business Honor Society continues to shape the future of young entrepreneurs at Wantagh High School. Any junior and senior high school student who has completed or currently enrolled in his/her third business course and has a 3.0 (overall) and 3.5 (business course) GPA is eligible to apply for membership.
After each inductee received their certificate and made the oath, several awards were given in honor of each awardee’s outstanding commitment to the Business Department. Those awardees included Nicholas Genovese, Tyler Groppe, Maeve McGlade, Cole Spinelli, and Tommy Wunderlich.
Stephen Manolio received a special award for taking 13 business courses throughout his secondary school career at Wantagh.