A Writing Journey Between Kindergarten and 5th Grade Buddies
Collaboration was the focus when Ms. Barrett’s kindergarten class celebrated the end of their writing unit with their 5th Grade Buddies in Ms. LeRoy’s 5th grade class. The two classes came together to share stories that they each worked on. Kindergarten students wrote a show and tell story complete with illustrations while the fifth grade students wrote a personal memoir highlighting an event that impacted their life in some way.
The purpose was to not only share their stories with one another, but so that the younger students could see what’s to come in the future and for the older students to see how far they had come with their writing skills.
Reagan, a 5th grader, read his personal memoir to Corey about how a water ride stopped in the middle of the ride at Camelback Waterpark. Corey then shared a story and drawings about his dog, Ruth.
While Eugene was too shy to share his story, Jaxem wrote about riding the VelociCoaster at Universal Park while on vacation with his family.