Wantagh Performing Arts Booster Club Named 2025 Music for All Advocacy in Action Recipient
Music for All has announced the recipients of the 2025 Advocacy in Action Awards, including Wantagh Schools Fine & Performing Arts, submitted by Julianne Keym and directed by Kelly Jones. These awards highlight educators and programs that have created an event or idea that is exceptional in their field and community.
The Wantagh Fine & Performing Arts’ project is entitled "Harmony United: Empowering Performing Arts in Wantagh Schools” and is the sole recipient in the parent/booster support category. This category recognizes exceptional volunteer efforts from parents and boosters.
Efficient, organized support from parents and boosters is crucial to the success of music programs and their students. Parents and boosters fill an essential role in day-to-day operations, supporting priorities identified by teachers and helping students. Cultivating a vast parent/booster network demonstrates a commitment to furthering the capabilities of the entire music program.
The Advocacy in Action awards are presented each year in seven categories: Community Involvement, Decision-Maker Engagement, Elementary Excellence, Innovative Fundraising, Marketing and Promotion, Parent/Booster Support, and Student Recruitment, Engagement, and Retention.
The recipients will be featured on Music for All’s Advocacy in Action Archive, where their ideas will be available for music educators across the country to learn from and emulate.
About Music for All
Music for All’s mission is to create, provide, and expand life-changing experiences through music. Our vision is to be a catalyst to ensure that every child in America has access and opportunity for active music-making in their scholastic environment. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization, Music for All’s events and programs serve more than 600,000 attendees annually –– and more than 1.7 million program participants since 1975. Programs include the Bands of America Championships for marching bands, a summer music camp for students and teachers, festivals for concert bands and orchestras, national honor ensembles for students, and educational webinars, podcasts, and online resources for teachers.
Music for All’s efforts are supported by national presenting sponsor Yamaha Corporation of America and its family of sponsors, strategic partners, and grantors.
The Advocacy in Action Awards recognize and celebrate the commitment of school administrators, community leaders, teachers and parents who believe in music education and are advocating to ensure that it is part of a comprehensive education for all children.
Advocacy in Action is a signature program of Music for All designed to collect, recognize, and share effective practices and initiatives that support music education in our schools.
For more on the Advocacy in Action program, or to view the archive, please head to advocacy.musicforall.org.