Forest Lake Students Study Peaceful, Impactful Leader

As the holiday in his honor approached, famed Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was celebrated in classrooms throughout Forest Lake Elementary School.
Kindergartners in Robin Conte’s class learned how Dr. King was a leader through peaceful problem-solving. Students explored how to solve their own problems peacefully and talked about ways they could make the world a better place. Each child completed a drawing of Dr. King alongside a poem and also painted a peace dove.
In second grade, students did research about Dr. King’s achievements and contributions using Scholastic News readers and online resources such as PebbleGo and Epic! nonfiction books. They wrote about his dreams, their dreams and five ways to make others feel good.
Second graders have also been practicing for their presentation at the Jan. 31 morning program. For the entire student body, they will perform songs and recite poems about Dr. King.