Firefighters Visit Wantagh Elementary for Fire Safety Education and Smoke House Drill
Representatives from the Wantagh Fire Department stopped by Wantagh Elementary School for two assemblies on fire safety for students in grades PreK-2 and 3-5 . Among many, one take away for students who like to sleep with their doors open at night is that it’s safer to sleep with it closed to prevent a fire from spreading quickly.
Students also learned how important it is to keep “fuel” away from hot spots like candles and the kitchen stove where over half of house fires start. They learned that fuel can be any type of paper, furniture, curtains, towels, lamps and improper light bulbs causing a fire to grow. Additionally, students were reminded not to use the kitchen when an adult is not home to supervise.
Following a short video on fire safety, a firefighter showed students how they put on their gear before entering a fire. Walking through the audience, students listened closely to what a firefighter sounds like with a mask on so they wouldn’t be afraid during a real-life situation.
Additional takeaways included keeping their rooms clean, not playing with lighters, and encouraging parents to test fire alarms monthly.
Immediately following the presentation, third thru fifth grade students experienced a “smoke house” which simulated a house fire. Students were taught how to check doors for heat on the other side, stay low to the ground to avoid inhaling smoke, and to safely climb out of a window.