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Wantagh Sports Booster Club


People often ask, “What does the Wantagh Sports Booster Club (WSBC) do?”  The easiest way to describe it is that the WSBC strives to provide financial and organizational support for all the student athletes and their coaches at Wantagh High School and Middle School. 

In addition, it tries to promote community spirit while spreading the word of just how special Wantagh, our coaches and our athletic programs are.  


Who belongs to the WSBC?

Our membership is made up of parents, coaches, teachers, administrators, and sports fans throughout the Wantagh community.

How is the WSBC funded?

We are a self-funded organization that raises funds in a variety of ways to pay for specific events, games, and tournaments.  100% of our profits go directly to our athletes and students. 


How can I become a member and help the WSBC?

Become a member each year with your paid $25 membership fee and more importantly, become an active member by attending our monthly meetings and helping at our events.

Why Join?

Because your direct participation goes a long way towards supporting many of the programs that your child and our community benefits from. Seniors must be WSBC members for at least their senior and junior years to be eligible for consideration for a WSBC scholarship.

What are the funds used for?

With the membership drive and various fundraisers throughout the year, the WSBC has proudly supported the Wantagh community and its athletes in many ways throughout the school year.

Dedicated to the Advancement of All Sports

Go Warriors!
