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A Computer Science Craze at Wantagh Elementary

Posted Date: 04/26/2024

Wantagh El Robotics

Students are exploring the basics of computer programming and beyond at Wantagh Elementary School. January and February have been devoted to computer science education in kindergarten through fifth grade STEAM classes.


Dash robots are the learning tool for students in grades 3-5. They use drag-and-drop block coding to program the robot’s movements from their laptops. Students have enjoyed learning the functions of the robots and how to control them. 


STEAM teacher Kaitlin Humphrey said students control the robots through the Blockly app, which gives them different challenges. As they master different skills, the challenges become more advanced. Students move from simply driving the Dash robots – which she has named after renowned scientists – to controlling lights and sounds, having them react to obstacles and even making them dance. 


When they aren't using the robots, students are exploring coding with Bits Box. The program allows students to actually write code to create different apps. 


Kindergartners are using Bee Bots, which they can simply program by pushing directional buttons in a set sequence. First graders have been exploring with Ozobots which follow a line and react to changes in color. In second grades, students use Osmo, which includes both iPad resources and tactile pieces.

Wantagh El Robotics